... bringing Tantra from the realms of the esoteric and exotic, into practical daily life...
(photo taken in 2000)
Publicity since 1993
January 1993 Tantra Academy Poona, presentation of tantric synthesis.
1994 Tantra International presentation of tantric synthesis.
1996 White Tara Magazine. S. Schaubmair “Love: The Roots of Tantra” Germany.
1997-98 Renudo Magazine - Series of six articles on sex over one year. Italy.
1998-99 Public Talks in Bookshops/Libraries in Milano, Bologna, Florence, Rome.
1999 Television Telegiornale Live interview coverage. Toscana, Italy.
1999 Q & A Interview: Silke Wahnfried, Berlin.
2000 Article, Gluckspost Magazine, Switzerland. Renee Tischler.
2001 Interview Osho Times: Love is not a feeling- it is a state of being. Germany.
06.2001 Spuren Magazine. Article Claude Jaermann. Switzerland.
10.2001 Yab Yum Tantra Magazine, Edi Goetschel, Switzerland.
7.12.2002 The Weekend Australian Newspaper. Interview with Ruth Ostrow.
03.2005 Public Talk for Women: “Time for Femininity” in Berne, Switzerland.
2006 Interview Osho Times, Koeln, Germany.
2006 Interview Bewusste Leben Magazine, Germany.
03.2007 Public Talk: Human Sexuality: The Loss of the Feminine: Berne, CH.
10.2007 Marie Claire Interview, Italy.
08.2008 Public Talk: Sex: The Inner Ladder of Growth, Berne, Switzerland.
2008 Osho Times, Koeln, Interview with Devapria. Germany.
10.7.2008 My Spirit Radio UK: Interview with June Elleni Lane.
01.2009 Psychology Today. Article by Dr Helen Robinson. UK/USA
3.03.2009 School of Sacred Mysteries. Interview with Deborah Foreman, USA.
4.03.2009 Maryanne Comaroto Live Radio Show. USA. Live interview.
14.03.2009 Heart & Soul Magazine, with Aisha Iman. Atlanta. USA .
04.2009 Live Radio Show Gina Cloud, USA.
24.5.2009 Interview Eva Maria Zurhorst for “Frauen satt und glucklich sein” DE.
07.2009 Interview Trudy Johnston, WellBeing Magazine, Australia.
25.05.2010 Public Talk Quelle, Berne, CH. Filmed by Augenschein, Cologne, DE.
DVD produced: Making Love - What you always should have known about Sex
6.03.2011 Dr Sherril Selman Live Radio Show, USA.
10.2011 Brigitte Magazine, Germany: “One of the top 3 experts in love worldwide”.
07.11.2011 Fuer Mich Magazine with Dr Marion Breitner, Austria.
23.2.2012 Mary Spicer Live Radio Show, California, USA. www.12radio.com
23.03.2012 Interview with Babarella Entertainment Agency, Germany.
03.05.2012 Interview Lichtfocus Magazine with Herbert Reiniger, Germany.
22.11.2012 Interview Sein Magazine with David Rotter, Germany.
05.2012 Koelner Express mit Christina Cologne, Germany.
09.2012 Brigitte Women with Christine Hohwieler, Chief Editor, Germany.
17.06.2012 St Galler Tagblatt, Switzerland. (unpublished)
08.2012 Interview with Viola Losemann, Freelance journalist, (unpublished)
08.2012 Article Freelance Journalist Boston James Postlethwaite UK (unpublished)
01.06.2012 bilderfrau.de Interview.
14.11.2012 Freundin.de Interview.
09.07.2012 Partnership Conference Zurich. Interview by Trias Power Seminars.
26.10.2012 Gesunder Leben, Austria. Interview with Marion Breiter.
28.10.2012 Bauer & Enqvist interview film: “Women: With or Without you” UK.
07.02.2013 “Let's Talk About Sex” on the Mary Spicer Live Radio Show, USA.
26.05.2013 Cosmic Cine Festival Public Award for “Slow Sex” Film, Munich. DE.
20.07.2013 Cosmic Cine Festival, Germany. Interview with Kerstin Brenner.
16.05.2013 Public Film viewing “Slow Sex”, Zurich, Switzerland.
14.08.2013 The Gary Null Radio Show, USA.
17.09.2013 Public Film viewing of “Slow Sex” Quelle, Berne, Switzerland.
14.10.2013 Interview Catharina Roland, Director of ‘Awake 2’ film, Austria.
21.11.2013 Zukunftsblick Magazine, Germany. Interview with Michelle Schopen
21.11.2013 "einfach JA". Interview with Abheeti Gundula Zeitz www.einfach-JA.de
30.03. 2014 “Yours” Magazine, Australia. Article Catherine Rodie.
30.04.2014 “Shape” Magazine. Germany. Article Pauline Krätzig.
01.06.2014 Osho Times, Germany. Article on Senses and Sensuality.
21.07. 2014 Digital Magazine ‘Aroused Woman' USA. Interview with Trish Causey.
22.07.2014 AwakeningShakti.com USA. Interview with Lisa Schrader.
30.07.2014 Skybrite Audio streaming platform, USA. Interviews with Mary Spicer.
14.08.2014 Public film viewing or “Slow Sex” with Q&A Quelle, Berne, Switzerland.
13.10.2014 www/Freundin, Germany. Interview for article on slow sex.
2014 Nov/Dec. BioMagazine, Germany. Article "Slow Sex" by Barbara Simohnson.
10.01.2015 Osho Times International, Article "Touch & Feel – Living through the Senses".
17.03.2015 Interview with Heinz Lang, Switzerland, Aargauer Zeitung (Mittelland).
26.04.2015 Interview Bedroom Books about writing "The Heart of Tantric Sex", UK.
07.07.2015 Interview Neil Sattin "Relationship Alive!" Podcast, "Discover the Power of Slow Sex", USA.
13.07.2015 Dating Relationship Skills, "Human Sexual Evolution", Interview Angel Donovan, UK/USA.
15.07.2015 Interviews with Show Host Mary Spicer USA for Living Love Audio Series.
17.12.2015 New Generation Men&Women Radio. Int. Jeanine von Seenus, DE.
20.12.2015 Soulpurposehealing Blogtalkradio Int. Viyahta Robinson, USA.
11.02.2016 Sex, Birth & Spirit Online Congress, Interview with Kiria van der Kamp, DE.
10.03.2016 Interview on "Slow Sex" with Zeitpunkt Magazine, Switzerland.
27.03.2016 Interview Tantra Teachers Marjan Althuizen, Univ. Amsterdam, Masters.
20.04.2016 Tantra Online Congress. Interview with Ingrid Niedermayr, Austria.
17.07.2016 Soulpurposehealing Blogtalkradio, Interview Viyahta Robinson, US.
26.07.2016 The Health Zone Show, Ireland. Radio Show. Interview.
27.07.2016 Embody Tantra. Interview with Charu Morgan, USA.
26.08.2016 Das Schweizer Elternmagazin, Fritz und Fränzi ,Interview, CH.
30.07.2016 The Optimist, USA. Interview with Juurian van der Kamp, USA.
01.11.2016 Healing the Cervix. Interview with Olivia Bryant, Australia.
21.02.2017 Sacred Wounds-Sacred Healing, Interview Susanne Steinel, DE.
26.07.2017 Bliss Runner Podcast, Interview Suzanna Miller, USA.
O5.08.2017 Cooler Sex Congress for Young People, Interview, DE.
14.08.2017 "Relationship Alive!" Podcast, Interview Neil Sattin, USA.
18.09.2017 NZZ film interview for Tantra Documentary, with Basil Gelpke, CH.
21.10.2017 Sexuality Congress, Interview with Manuela Kormorak, DE.
10.02.2018 TEDx Linz Talk by Diana Richardson: The Power of Mindful Sex.
15.02.2018 Gaëlle Coudert, Journalist, Slow Sex interview. France. www.linfodurable.fr
26.02.2018 Spiraldynamik Magazine, Switzerland. Interview.
07.04.2018 Maya, Australia. Women’s sexuality congress online.
01.05.2018 Janet McGeever, Australia. Interview
20.06.2018 Ben Craib O-Books, Interview. UK.
05.07.2018 Gary Goldberg, In Spirit Radio, NY, USA.
10.07.2018 Tobias Frank. Article. www.loslassen-leicht-gemacht.de
20.10.2018 Cooler Sex online congress, Germany.
10.11.2018 Spiral Dynamic Congress, Zurich, Public talk.
13.11.2018 O-books, Interview Daniella Norris. UK.
28.12.2018 Martinez Salvador, El Spanol Spanish Magazine interview
29.01.2019 Grant Stoddard, bestlifeonline.com, USA.
25.04.2019 DIAL Day in A Life series with thawtout.com UK.
11.07.2019 Gary Goldberg, In Spirit Radio, NY, USA.
11.07.2019 Darren Cockburn podcast: Sex & Mindfulness. UK.
05.09.2019 Anke Schafer, "Zeitfragen" in Deutschlandfunk Kultur.
06.09.2019 United to Heal Online Homeopathy Congress, Germany.
19.09.2019 Samantha Vincenty. Oprah Online Magazine, USA.
05.07.2020 Feature on Slow Sex. Moment by Moment Mindfulness Magazine. DE
07.09.2020 Annabelle Magazine for women. CH
15.09.2020 Ulli Gladdik Film Maker, research. AUSTRIA
13.10.2020 Online congress: The Retreat Summit. Basim & Ramsha. CANADA.
13.10.2020 Slow Sex Webinar. Gaia Online University. USA
14.10.2020 Online Congress: The Magic of Touch. GERMANY
18.10.2020 Magazine Häxans Trädgård. Hella Nathorst-Böös. SWEDEN
30.10.2020 Dear Sex Podcast. Wendy Stragr. USA.
05.11.2020 Empowering Relationships Podcast. Dr Jessica Higgins. USA.
10.12.2020 Sense of Soul Podcast on Cool Sex. USA.
11.12.2020 Podcast Conscious Sex. Todd Zemek, AUSTRALIA.
12.12.2020 Webinar Wendy Doeleman co-author Cool Sex book, NL.
15.12.2020 Radiate Wellness Podcast Cool Sex. USA.
08.01.2021 Path 11 Productions Podcast Cool Sex. USA.
27.01.2021 Interview Gynaecologists. Vienna Fertility Clinic. AUSTRIA.
30.01.2021 Home Vitality Podcast. Cool Sex with Shaun & Gaz. UK.
11.03.2021 Swiss Television SRF, Interview for Sternstunde. CH.
07.04.2021 Sacred Sexuality Conference with Mirjam Zels. DE.
10.04.2021 Us People Podcast with Savia Rocks. UK.
03.05.2021 Podcast Belfast Real with Jonathan Watson. BELFAST/UK.
05.07.2021 Tattva Viveka Magazine interview. DE.
08.07.2021 French “oldyessy” with Adele Cailleteau FR.
08.08.2021 Lara Tales Podcast “Pillow Talk” USA.
23.08.2021 Dan Purcell “Get your marriage on” podcast, USA.
09.11.2021 Freya Howard Interview UK.
12.01.2022 Dylan Smith Vital Veda Podcast, Australia.
28.01.2022 Olivia Clementine Podcast, USA.
25.02.2022 Angelica Gutierrez, SXY Radiance podcast, USA.
01.02.2022 Dr Richard Miller, Mind Body Health Politics (MBHP) USA.
03.03.2022 Summit with Angel Aquarian, Feminine Wisdom Keeper. USA.
07.03.2022 Wrage GmbH, Flow Summit 2022, Hamburg, DE.
06.07.2022 Interview with Cìrculo de Luz www.revistadetantra.com, Spain.
18.07.2022 Podcast Evolve with Pete Evans, Author, Restauranteur, Chef. Australia.
18.07.2022 Wrenn Woods, Enlighten Me Podcast Connection & Communication. USA.
19.07.2022 Sarah Rose, Podcast Sex, Pleasure & Intimacy Coach. UK.
19.07.2022 Nicholas Gregoriades, Elite Coaching for Male Entrepreneurs. USA.
21.07.2022 Mangala Holland, The Empowered Perimenopause Summit. UK.
29.08.2022 Mathias Berner Academy, Inner Evolution Online Summit. DE.
16.09.2022 Nina Acosta, The Unleashed Soul Summit, USA.
15.03.2023 Nathalie Gale, The Good Trade, interview. USA
20.03.2023 Interview Magazine Geo Wissen, Germany
01.06.2023 Mathias Haehl, Interview Slow Sex. Magazine Active & Live. Switzerland
20.07.2023 Sarah Rose Bright Podcast Feelings vs Emotions. UK
21.07.2023 Mathias Haehl, Interview for Magazine Weltwoche. Switzerland
26.07.2023 Flurina Thali, The Breathing Body Podcast on conscious lovemaking, UK
26.07.2023 Bettina Friedel, IMAGO MAGAZINE, Austria
31.07.2023 Adelina Abad Pedrosa Interview on Polarity, Spain
31.07.2023 Cassandra Mathews, One Eleven Health, Sydney, Australia
07.08.2023 Keith Parker, Field Dynamics Healing. USA
23.08. 2023 Olivia Clementine, Love & Liberation Podcast on Emotions & Feelings. UK
26.10.2023 Mirjam Zells, Interview for Sacred Sexuality Congress. Germany
07.12.2023 Claire Macaulay, Interview for online congress on Menopause, Scotland.
07.12.2023 Keith Parker, Field Dynamics Healing. Feelings vs Emotions. USA
05.01.2024 Yoga Magazine, Article for Valentine issue The Gift of the Present UK.